Development: Whole-Play

Sketch 02: Gravity


Second sketch, Gravity.

Gravity, take 13.45 MB

Gravity explores the idea of self-organizing chaos. Because against all odds, creation wants to take place.

In this recording I used Machine One, one of the bands in Flow, who were very happy to go a bit more experimental. ;)

You may hate gravity, but gravity doesn't care.

Gravity, take 23.28 MB

Here's another take of Gravity, again with Machine One. Same virtual band, but very different outcome!

Gravity, take 34.47 MB

And one more take, this time with a totally different Virtual Band: Aka Truth Band, again from Flow.

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Sketch 01: Blurred chaos


After Flow, it's time to explore new possibilities for Whole-Play through sketches. Here's the first one, or read on for more info.

Sketch 01: Blurred chaos6.99 MB

Two instruments: the Wrenchspiel (?) and my guitar (in this case a virtual instrument, because I'm traveling and I don't have my real guitar with me).

I wanted to explore:

  • A new feature, blurs (I should write about that sometime)
  • Controlled chaos
  • Non-linear interaction with the improvisation
  • The idea of a dynamic canon

And I know that's all kind of abstract. :) EnJoy!

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Rajaz snippet


I'm working on the first proper Whole-Play composer. Wait, that's actually really great news! Yep, time to post something. Here's the sample, or read on for a bit more background on this.

Rajaz snippet1.66 MB

Here are the first few bars of Rajaz, performed by the AkaTruthBand. The name might or not stick. The music will probably end up being something different. Here's how it sounds so far, today.

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