Milestone 0.3.2 - Pattern loops


Here's the first milestone with melodic instruments, which explores the abilities implemented so far:

  • Play looped motifs (including shifting motifs).
  • Transform motifs.
  • Different textures: motif counterpoint vs. chords (manually implemented for now).
  • Output to Logic's software intstruments.
  • Basic articulation: stacatto (using stacatto samples if the software instrument has them).

Milestone 0.3.2 - Pattern loops2.23 MB

Ok, musically it's not fascinating, I admit I just wanted to test things a bit, which is not the original intention behind creating these milestones. But can't help being a bit impatient, and already want to get on with other things... maybe I'll create a second more interesting milestone for this, but no promises...


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Amazing! Great work. A Milestone indeed mate! :D


Wow :) I really like the sounds, they are a nice quality. And it sounds really musical. Well done!


Un fragment que suggereix un cert neguit que interpel·la a l'acció. Molt interessant i amb una elaboració molt cuidada. Endavant!

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